Diversity Training

ProTem recently partnered with Diversity pioneer, Theory of Enchantment, to integrate our management and business training. Our analysis found that the key to success in diversity and business unlocks the same door.

Contact Us for an Evaluation

Current State

Our audit services are data-driven and focus principally on governance, privacy, cybersecurity, investigations, and regulatory compliance, with an emphasis on risk, cost-containment, best practices, and leveraging technology to improve and automate operations.

Future State

The goal of an assessment is to help clients build a realistic plan for arriving at a targeted future state as quickly and efficiently as practicable--within given time and/or budgetary constraints. Next, we develop a maturity model to prioritize an actionable project plan.

Continuous Improvement

Our philosophy as a business is driven by the goals and methods of continuous improvement. That means committing to a formal structure for achieving incremental improvement over time balanced against the risks of disrupting business as usual operations.

Build Operate Transfer

A BOT approach prioritizes the ability of our clients to function independently at the conclusion of an engagement. That includes appropriate documentation, training, and resourcing. We also provide hybrid models, which offer scalable managed service and support.

Risk Management

An organization cannot manage what it cannot see. We leverage state of the art technology to bring visibility and intelligence to dark and dormant data, which helps clients extract value from their digital assets while reducing operational inefficiencies, risks, and costs.

Holistic Big Data Solutions

Visibility provides the opportunity to eliminate ROT data to improve privacy and security, reduce inefficiency, and reclaim unnecessary storage costs associated with duplicative data, estimated for most Fortune 1000 companies at 50% and costing $10M annually.